Mga Pahina

Martes, Nobyembre 29, 2011

Maple Leaves and Promises

Everyone would probably remember their first experiment on the density or for volume where the teacher would instruct the students to fill a container with water, measure it and then place an object, take it out and then measure again the level of the water. The displacement in the water is said to be the density of the object. I may not be able to recall exactly if that was the concept or the terminology but I am always fascinated by how another object displaces another.

Over the past tumultuous relationships where I am always left behind to wallow on the pain of broken dreams and plans I believe the idea of displacement kept me sane. I came to adapt with that predicament with the thought that in order to replace what was removed, you merely need to replace it with something of equal or greater size.

A lot of years have passed and I am still full with bitterness compiled from every failed relationship I had. Maybe I never stopped loving them all- maybe I never totally forgot. I may have kept them in their individual boxes only to be liberated once you come across instances that refreshes the filaments of memories.

Lunes, Nobyembre 21, 2011

Miss Stress

Whether on fairytales or on the local TV soap operas, mistresses are portrayed as bad people ruining lives, promises and dreams. To prove that indeed it is a very marketable idea to the people, the recent movie of Anne Curtis featuring a love triangle involving a couple and another woman drew a lot of enthusiasm from the viewing public. Even the usual love stories being shown today on almost all media would involve the OTHER Man/Woman that would either mess up the potentiality of a relationship or who would later on give in to the realization that he/she will never be completely happy with someone who will never be able to love him/her back.

It is then a battle of the good versus the evil; the mistresses being the evil breed. Ironic that the mistress is portrayed as the evil kind yet the populace willingly embraces every portrayal as if it is an acceptable role in the society. Very convenient and easy to portray that being a mistress or having one in secret is an enjoyable and an easy thing- something that anyone can engage into and get off easily. I would however doubt that whoever spawned that idea may not have been a mistress even once in their lifetime. It is unlike other experiences that you get the grasp of the whole concept/experience only by reading it or hearing some stories from friends. Being a mistress is a unique experience- an experience filled with stress.

Every mistress has her own version of the reason why she settled for such situation. To make the context more accurate , I would put a he/she item on the term mistress as there are growing cases transcending gender and sex. If it was complicated when only the 2 sexes were involved what more if we add more varieties to the story.What the huge part of the populace might be of the usual kabit who is likely to be described as prettier, sexier, sex-oriented, needy of money or other what not compared to the wife. Yet I know of a lot of true stories relating to the husband being a closet and having his kumpare as his "mistress".

How about the story of a gay who fell in love with a man who is originally married but is currently not together with the wife who cheated on him and eloped with a richer man. A rich married man left with a kid to raise and afraid to love and be cheated anymore- a man who settled for casual sex to kill the incessant urges of the flesh. Now came a gay who offered both the comfort of a relationship and the liberty to continue the casual sex engagements. Is the gay a mistress given that the man is still married? 

I have actually said a lot without discussing my knowledge of the case. But I will leave this post as is because as I have said before, the story of a mistress is very complex.

Huwebes, Nobyembre 17, 2011

Picking Up the Pieces

I would call ours as the wierdest relationship one can get into. For almost 6 months now, we have managed to be mum about the status of our relationship and even evaded suspicion regarding its existence. I am happy with the set-up because we are kept safe of all the biases of the people around us. The nature of our jobs even makes it favorable to be on a covert status.

It is however difficult on the sense that also the happy moments that must be proudly shared with the other people are kept in the dark and far away from the judging eyes. My relationship involves an older man I am not actually sure if he is married or not or in a deep commitment with someone else. Maybe it is all true the thing they say about love, that once you are smitten, there is no turning back. Come hell or high water, people blinded by love tend to brave it. As for me, I always stick with who I am- crossing bridges when I come across it but making sure I have my safety jacket with me should those bridges collase under my feet.