Mga Pahina

Sabado, Abril 27, 2013

The Selfish Heart

I have neglected this blog for a long time due to my hectic schedule (full time job, 18 units on 2 graduate school, and some organizations) and have finally thought of visiting it just this once to have a venue for me to vent out my frustrations. This blog always served me that reason and it never failed to relieve me of the pain or anxiety that I feel prior to publishing a blog entry. The past month is a horror for me. Ever had that moment when think you are very sure and then out comes the distraction that will rock every decision and uproot all plans? It came to me last week. I am currently with the best man now and i am thinking of sticking to him for keeps- at least thats what i thought of in the past two years. Out came the surprise when i found out that an old love of mine resurfaced with an old friend in his arms. Worst is it affected me big time. I feel guilty and i thought that venting it out here might help me think of the situation better and formulate courses of actions that are fair to everyone involved.

True enough, nirvana came to me as i opened this blogging site. There i was angry at a petty heart confusion case and here is a friend emotionally battered by the fact that he is now completely aware of the case of his daughter. This friend is close to me including the lovely family he has. All my pain were washed away upon reading his blog. Such raw emotions and pain of a father is gigantic compared to the emotional shocks i am currently encountering. It made me think why am i not grateful with the wonderful man that came to my life while this father despite a broken heart, makes the most out of the situation. His blog showed me the volatility of life. I am not just inspired to mend my relationship with my current partner but i am inspired to do it to every person i value.

The past is witness to how cold i am to people around me. I am always chasing a star that i have given different names. The star is ever elusive and so is the happiness and fulfilment that i attached with it. His blog changed my perspective in life. Value life by living it to the fullest. Why put off things that can be done today for tomorrow? tomorrow might not come. 

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