Mga Pahina

Martes, Agosto 19, 2014

Veni, Vedi, Vakla

Reminiscing is my way of destressing. In times when pressure seems to be at my door or when my direction is clouded, I always look back at where I came from and how I came to be and surely i will be reminded of what and where to go. What they say in Tagalog as "di marunong lumingon sa pinanggalingan ay di makakarating sa paroroonan" is very apt for how I deal with my stress. Ironic that despite the fact that my high school life seems to be the most bitter part of my memories, it has always been the best part to revisit.

So I took time after my birthday to go home and look back at all the things. Upon boarding the bus home, i was hit by nostalgia. How many times have I boarded the very same bus line just to go for regional competitions or merely to make some visit to my relatives in Baguio? I have not always been good with traveling, I remember my younger days when I also used to shamelessly vomit. Now I cringe  at the sight of kids vomiting on the bus, leaving their marks just below the window that is so difficult to move up. 

I went to Bontoc and ate at the "official" lunch  destination during division competitions. Was surprised to see the menu still the same with the prices nearly doubling. Nothing much changed in Bontoc, the college and the high school are pretty much the same even the mode of transportation going there. On  a Sunday, vendors will pack the jeeps with their wares leaving little space for your feet to move. Walter Clapp is still as it is- my "official accommodation" during exams and competitions. I also remember an instance when my crush used to be at the other room. 

I went to Tadian to visit my folks, went to Sabangan for the other side of the family and savored Sagada to the fullest. I met some old faces, conversed with them and got some old emotions stirred. Nothing much changed in my hometown. I wish I have the luxury of coming back ever so often to eat my favorite cake at the Coop canteen, to visit Bontoc and stay overnight at the Walter Clapp, to take a dip at the Chico River in Sabangan and do a lot more. 

I realized one thing during this short time- I miss being me. 

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