Mga Pahina

Martes, Setyembre 23, 2014

Broken Chains

Yesterday tried my patience.  I hope I won.

Not so long ago, I decided to part ways with someone dear to me. Looking back now  I cannot clearly remember why. All I can remember is anger. Anger blinds us and pushes us to be rash. But I won't say that what I did was rash. In light of our circumstances then, I m sure we have made the right decision. Rather, I made the right decision.

Imagine having someone so close to you, what would you feel if you think they have betrayed you? But time do heal all wounds. I can say now that I have forgiven, I can say that I have moved on. There are times however that I feel as if I have been unfair for deserting a person when I was most expected to be around. Although I know I was not a necessity, my being around would have been an added ingredient to happiness.

But happiness was my very reason for severing the ties. Tampo was only secondary and anger was just on the outlines. I am sure that if I continue to be close, I can be a potential reason for sadness for I hold the secrets and stand as a reminder of the threatening past. Better that way I thought.

There are times when I am so down and I miss this person badly. I am just so used of the presence. The openness of the conversation and the randomness of thoughts have often washed away the pressures that hounded me. I miss these moments. For only on these moments can I be candid, unguarded and unreserved. Every time I am tempted to drop her a message, I muster every ounce of courage not to do so. That is what every real friend will do - to sacrifice a little of their comfort zone for their friends. 

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