Mga Pahina

Biyernes, Mayo 20, 2011

Night at the high Street

Last night I was walking at Serendra to meet with some friends for some quality time. It is a coincidence that I get to meet some of my former residents at Kalayaan residence Hall. I was surprised to see them so far away from home.. ahahahhah Anyway, my friends and I spent the night singing our hearts out at the music zone of Timezone... At around 11:30 the air conditioning went off and that we were forced to endure the heat in exchange of the fun of belting our hearts out. Now after the singing portion came the eating portion at the Mercato. We went around the stalls almost twice without getting to choose anything at all. And then maybe out of exhaustion, we settled for anything appealing that will first attract our attention... It was not bad at all for we enjoyed the lasagna, the empanada..... it was a night of stories and trivia... thank you friends...

Huwebes, Mayo 19, 2011

The other door

Indeed, frustrations and failures leave us to stare too long at closed doors never noticing a window that the Lord may have opened to serve his plans for us. At times we make up our minds and fail to see that there is more from all those failures. It does not mean that those disappointments will suffice in making all our other dreams crumble. If something is not given to you, maybe the Lord plans a different path for you and you are just not looking thorough enough on the places where you could have found what was planned for you. God never forgets... he leads!

Linggo, Mayo 15, 2011

Life as we see it

At my age I would consider myself as luckier compared to others who have not managed to finish their education and were left in the provinces to wallow in the old way of life I have completely shunned away. But I would think that success and achievements vary in definitions so is our notion of fulfillment. Even if we carried the same task, you might not feel it was a failure if you landed 3rd or second because your idea of winning would be to enjoy the competition and not place the last. Such are the realizations after singing at the funeral of an old acquittance. This acquittance is barely 35 years of age and was acquainted to me because we are both active at the parish in our university. He died last Sunday after attending the mass. All his life, he says he has been religiously attending the mass and assisting the father on the mass needs. I never felt envy on his works not until he died and I came to fully realize what fulfillment was brought by his devotion. A lot of us would call most church leaders as hypocrites but I believe he is different. I hope I can set aside more of me for the service to God.

Biyernes, Mayo 13, 2011

Those barriers

I am going to change school and enroll somewhere else for my post graduate studies. I am adamant to do so because I am one of those people who are heavily entrenched with the idea that besides my old university, there are no better schools to offer such education. Although I am fully aware that that is not the case, a lot of people think that way. Somehow, all of the circumstances and considerations are pointing out to trying this school out. Now again, there is the problem with trying out because the enthusiasm might die down after a month or two and I will dessert that path again? It is pathetic that I do not have the decisiveness and will to stand by what I believe in no matter how poor the outcome may be. Give me strength!

Miyerkules, Mayo 11, 2011

Taking bold steps...

I always consider myself a coward for I can not truly confront those fears that tend to hold me back... Again as I was bound to do something for self-enrichment a while ago, I am at the crossroads given that there are some issues in my family that might actually be a major factor to derail such plan. Priorities must be set as they say... But as I was riding the jeepney to somewhere, a boy of about 14 got on the jeep with two old women. The two old women paid their fares and was crossly confronted by the driver for it was short by about 2 pesos. On similar occasions before, I would butt in and would openly criticize the driver for his stinginess. But before I could comment, the boy paid his fare and asked the driver not to argue with the old women for the short fare and just cancel it out with the change of the boy. I was so touched by the concern of the boy even to ugly strangers like those two old women. With that in mind, I dared my self to go on with what I was bound to do for the day and I did. I was inspired by the fact that if along the way I would stumble, I am sure that there are more people like that kid who would extend their hands and help me up....

Biyernes, Mayo 6, 2011


Everybody chases their own Zibula. In old Aztec legends, Zibula is the mythical land of gold just like el Dorado. Referring to this post, by saying Zibula does not only limit to everyone's desire to be rich but of all our dreams as a whole. I believe that every dream is like a piece of gold worthy to be treasured and be proud of. Just like gold, enough pride must be revered to it for excessive of this may lead others to know where your gold is. Just like in our dreams, we must be proud of it but not too proud that we step into others dreams or we tend to make our dreams mere exaggerations of our failures to reach those dreams. It may actually be a mistake that I have likened our dreams to Zibula because it is unattainable.. but thinking again, maybe it is just right to liken it to such because dreams are meant to continuously push us off our limits.. that those unreachable shortes will be reachable tomorrow and then we set other Zibulas for other days... keep dreaming.

Miyerkules, Mayo 4, 2011

The other faces

1 + 1 = 2

What then is two? some would automatically answer that it is a sum of two 1 without thinking that this is also the difference between 5 and 3 and so on..

There are instances when we fell the pride of knowing a lot about something leading us to close our minds for other possibilities that may also be equally correct than what we hold as the truth. Maybe because we feel that sometimes we are inside those truths that we do not easily give in to other possibilities.

Martes, Mayo 3, 2011


It is so difficult to complete a puzzle with a thousand pieces.. so is life with more people to please. I go with life being lived to the fullest by doing something that will make you happy and not be dictated by other people. But such would not be possible if you attach yourself to people.. if you include people you love in your plans.. if you value people that have somehow touched your life along your process of growing.. Shunning those people would be voiding yourself of emotions and memories.. and what would be the worth of the happiness you can achieve if there are no people to offer it to.... shunning those people away would not bring lasting joy and fulfillment.. what will take place is the emptiness... And as I search for what will make me happy or rather what would make us happy, I find difficulty for I am stepping out of my comfort zone.. I am showing to the world the vulnerability of my self.. I fear that.. but let me believe for once that YOU are worth this risk..

Lunes, Mayo 2, 2011

scholarships will come

Faith is all I have on embarking on this risk in my life.. With my world filled with uncertainty, I am at the position to take the risk and make my way on what is in store for me.. I fear that I may fail along the way... but I know I am with God. For every stone that makes me stumble, He is there to catch me. To the lord I surrender my plans..