Mga Pahina

Linggo, Marso 15, 2015

Those Days

These days I am swamped with a lot of things to do. Extreme is the condition that I sometimes skip my meals. Old me would find that unthinkable. Swamped with the workload and seeing no relief in the near future. Must have been the pay I thought but the level of stress keeps reminding me how such stress can never be compensated. They say getting stressed is a choice but I am getting paid to make that choice.

It is on tough days that I recall the days when I was earning very little above the minimum. I wonder how an ambitious and idealistic fresh graduate settled for that-of course I know pretty well why. Food and accommodation then were minimal, transportation not an issue, the workplace looks up to you as if you are a prized genius and to top it all- you get to work with awesome people.

Where can you find  a place where lunch can go down to a peso? or that the groceries get a fixed discount much larger than those offered by the bonus brand? What work will allow you to be yourself and say things as you see it? What office will you go to and do not feel at work but at home? But I love the work not just for the perks it gave but mostly because of the lessons of self worth I learned from it.

Of course there were numerous times that were difficult but I can easily trade those to the countless memories of laughter and friendship. Some of those I worked with might not remember me at all but all that matters is there are those few gems who do. I admit that I miss that easy life when I come across these difficulties. I ask myself what could have been the present me should I have opted to stay. I can only guess. I may have these regrets and fits of "what ifs"but what would matter is I met all those wonderful people and hopefully made a memory in their lives. Those were the days.

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