Mga Pahina

Huwebes, Abril 28, 2011

Breakup tale- Creative writing 10 version

Grandma and the Break up
            The excitement I felt a while ago did not subside with the growing silence between us. I sat at the sofa opposite him and just stared at his blank face. I tried talking for a while, sharing how I topped the Math examination, how I and my sister spent P5,000 on a day, and how my high school friend found a boyfriend. He just sat there quietly staring at me but the blank look in his face told me he was neither listening nor interested.
            Fear jolted me. I know that something was wrong. I can feel it coming. With his lack of response, I chose to stay quiet and just thought of how much we missed each other after almost a month of  separation. How I prayed for the days to pass quickly just to have this day. Now its here, I do not know where to channel the anticipation and excitement I have. I have to overpower that feeling that something was wrong. For no reason, I felt a surge of panic engulf me. I tried to tell him how I missed him but I can not. I am afraid of what he would answer me.
            I chose to dwell in silence fearing that I may cross the line with the stupid stories I shared. There we were, two souls looking at each other attempting to gauge the message our eyes conveyed. I failed to look into him, his was blank. I know he can see all of me- the anticipation, excitement, joy, and love. I moved my gaze away from him. Then he said he missed me so much. And that was all. Even if it was mid afternoon, the room seemed to be trapped in the still of the night. Not even the wind dared to blow the chimes at the nearby window.
            I searched him with my eyes and tried to find the reasons why all this silence enveloped us.  He haven’t changed that much.  I smiled when I saw his face, the familiar sunburns that ruined his handsome features were not there. Maybe the sun in ZXVVG is not that angry to the cadets this time of year or maybe they were finally allowed to use sun block. His skin was evenly tanned which made him even more attractive to me. He  was darker the last time we saw each other. His hair had grown longer compared to the cadet picture he sent me at the start of this month. Nothing really changed. He was still the funny guy who used to be my best friend, the same guy who made me laugh with his antics.
            Thoughts were broken when he stood and entered their dining area. I assumed he would get some snack. When he was gone, I realized that the suffocating silence was heightened by the absence of his family- both parents at work and his sister at school. I looked around the sala and was surprised to still find our boy scout pictures displayed on top of their old piano. A stranger would surely mistake me as a member of this family. Then I heard him coming and I was seized again by fear.
 He came back with a tray filed with some fruits, a knife, 2 brandy snifters and a medium sized bottle of Grand Matador. I stared at him blankly to let him know that I was not interested, how can he forget that I do not drink and that I hate seeing him drinking. Yet he smiled and set the things on the table. He started pouring on the snifters and motioned me to take my part. I did not move. Then he stood and went to their kitchen again and wasn’t long before he emerged with a glass of apple juice. Upon settling in his seat, he filled his snifter to the brim and then finished it off with one gulp. And then another and another. I took a sip at the juice then picked an apple and decided to peel it slowly just to have something to do. I asked him if that’s what they learn in the academy and he just smiled while gesturing a toast to me. I know exactly what was happening, he was getting drunk just to tell me something. I waited for the words patiently because I think this was the best thing to do.
            “I’m sorry” he said. I stopped peeling the apple. I did not answer him. Then he asked me if I remember the girl that he had been talking to me about- the researcher whom he grew close with because we have a lot of similarities. The favorite songs, our features and the way we talk are just few things he claimed to be our similarities. I nodded because I remembered how I dreaded the stories of her. I could predict where this story was going, I have watched a great deal of this in the local teleseryes. I know he would tell me that he was sorry but he fell in love with the girl and that we can not be what we used to be anymore. But he never said it. He continued to drink. Then I looked again at his eyes, I saw loneliness. He began to cry. “Mama and Papa are not here because they are with her” he said. I dared not to ask why and just continued to peel the apple. After a long silence, “She is giving birth to my child.” I automatically stopped peeling and looked at him. I tried to stay calm while he was already sobbing. “Im sorry” he said. “Then why are you not with her?” I tried to hide my emotions and started to act like a friend as if nothing really happened. “It is a premature birth and it is so risky, I don’t want to see her suffering so much. I love her” he said. I was struck by what he said. I swallowed thrice to remove the tears choking me.” What if they find out at the academy? You will be kicked out.” He was silent. And then I can not stand it any longer. The intensity of the pain had no word to correspond with. I am not sure if it was because of this emotional pain that I was starting to feel physically weak too. I dropped the apple and the knife and started to collect my things. He reached out and pulled me to the sofa where he was sitting. I was so weak to resist.  “But I loved you, believe me. I love her because I see you in her” he whispered with his face very near my ears. I can smell brandy from his breath and I moved to where he I used to sit. “I said I love you” he shouted! I did not answer. 

“I am sorry too” was all I managed to say. He was crying. Then he smashed the bottle of Grand Matador on the table. It broke with a loud crash. His hands were bloody and he picked up the largest broken piece and played with it. The pain a while ago developed into nausea but I tried to compose myself. I picked up the knife and the apple and said calmly but with anger, “I am really sorry, but someone has to go.” He smiled with tears and looked at my glass of juice then said, “Yeah, I guess so. Someone has to go.”

eksenang alam ni inay

Glenda: Oh I’m sorry. I thought you are sleeping, just came in to wake you up.
Juan Carlo: its ok mom.
G: Kevin came to fetch you for dinner a while go but you did not respond, anything wrong?
JC: Nothing mom.
G: Are you sick? Here let me feel if you are hot.
JC: Im OK. Just need to rest.
G: You’ve been sleeping the whole day, what have you been tired of lately? You have been like this for almost a week; skipping dinner, always staying here in your room, never talking to anyone even your girlfriend.
JC: Mom I’m OK. Don’t worry.
G: and Stella? Always on the phone but you are making alibis not to talk to her. You know shes been worried about you.
JC: Were ok.
G: Ok? How good is that OK?
JC: very good mom. Just so tired with basketball practice.
G: Did you have any fight with Alfred? I haven’t seen him here lately? Or are you kicked out of the varsity team?
JC:  Everything’s OK mom! I am still on the varsity. Alfred just have. ( pause) never mind.
G: Have what? Swine flu?
JC: No mom, just busy with ( long pause) someone else (softly).
G: now don’t be like that. You should be happy for your friend. Just like he is for you and Stella.
JC:  well. Uhhmm. Of course I’m  happy. Very happy.
G:  tell me honestly, I would understand. Is that jealousy I’m sensing from your voice? Uyy! Now I know it. You want his girl? How could you? Stella is so good.
JC: No mom. Maybe just leave me alone to sleep, I’m tired.
G: Son. Son, look at me JC. Are you crying? What’s the wrong?
JC: nothing mom ( pause)nothing !( sobbing)
G: Now I’ve been quiet for a long time regarding this. You’re crying for Alfred right? You have a relationship? 
G: Yah! Now I get it, the weekly sleepovers, phone call, and these pictures on your room. Oh my. Now I get it.  Now I know why Stella is always looking for you when you said you are out on a date.
JC: MOM! I’m tired.
G: Now tell me so I know what to do to help you! And Stella? Poor Stella. After this, her mother would not invite me to church anymore.
JC: Mom, Im not gay if that’s what you are trying to say. Im not breaking up with Stella.
G: You are gay!
JC: IM NOT!! ( sobbing)
G: You are! And stop fooling Stella. Stop using her. Well maybe you are confused. Stop this foolishness at once and I won’t tell your father about this. About what you and Alfred do every sleepover. Stop this.
JC: Mom please don’t put me into this.( pause) pleeeease!
G: Stop it. And be a man. Quit the varsity if that would stop you from seeing him. Now are we clear here?
JC: Mom I cant.
G: Oh you can, before your father knows about it
JC: Mom I’m tired.
 ( footsteps and a door closed)

Time Machine

What is acceptance to someone who grieves? Is it a piece of bread to a hungry child? Is it water to someone in the dessert? There are times when we are prepared to lose someone so we tend to easily let go. But there are those equal number of times when we are rocked by  instances of losing people we want to keep with us. We are left with unexpressed emotions, unshed tears, unspoken affection, dreams and memories. It is easy to say acceptance, but it takes a lifetime to really endure it. There is no such thing as letting go and accepting it. The curse of accepting lingers, people are just stuborn to admit the stupid lingering. Somewhere in time, memories whisk us to the past. Somewhere in time, we are whisked to the future by our dreams. There are those losses and acceptances that make those memories happy but dreams are always painful.Dreams that are left unfulfilled until eternity. There is no such thing as one fullfilling a dream of two, that would only be ones dream.  These time machines remind us how we construct our life just for the sake of making sense out of it... life is how we make it.

Cordillera Day 2011

"Such arrogance to speak of owning the land when you shall be owned by it. How can you outlive that which outlive you? Only the race owns the land because only the race lives forever." ~Macliing Dulag
As I was browsing on FB on the status of some of my friends I came across a status similar to the quotation I have placed above.  Filled with guilt, I asked myself why I have prioritized my vacation over going to Lacub, Abra to enjoin my fellow IPs in the annual celebration of the Cordillera Day. I would have managed to go there if I have just crammed my vacation up to then Easter Sunday and then rush to Abra just in time for the start of the 5 day event. I think aside from being proud that I am an IP, it would be a nice contribution if I made a physical appearance so as to really make my people proud that I am with them in the seemingly endless struggle for self determination. It was a slow realization for me but leaving that history behind, now I am proud to be an Igorot whose roots are really worth being proud of. Long live the IPs.. Onward to our call for self-determination!!

Lunes, Abril 25, 2011

Clawing justice

If we let fear rule our lives or if we leave it to those who abuse power to continue abusing us, we ourselves do not respect the essence of freedom that the Lord has gave us. Claiming justice is one of the most difficult stunts that an individual can do. It is one thing to stand out and brave your accusers and lay waiting to see if justice is served while being tormented by the fact that you may be at a disadvantage. Even if we are shaken and lead astray by fear, we must claw justice on the wall of prejudice for us to trail blaze the way of courage that others may trod in the future. It is still about us and not just about them. We may have been lost on our effort to claw away injustice but at least we have lived a meaningful life.. Truth and justice to prevail.

Linggo, Abril 24, 2011

Granma and the breakup

“ ang susunod na istasyon ay Katipunan. Next station, Katipunan station....”

kling! Arriving at Katipunan station. 

I barely heard those words from the speaker of the LRT as I hurriedly stood from my seat to leave the station; heart pounding heavily, eyes so heavy with suppressed tears and a mind so baffled with emotion already incapable of processing simple questions. Even with the crowd around me, the pounding of my heart seemed to be the only sound heard. It deafened me…It made me more depressed…It may not have been true on that depressing day but now I clearly remember that day when I know that my last days of being weak, I owe it to Grandma.
I often laugh at myself when I look back how I had this relationship with him. I would often awe my friends when I say that I am a virgin and that I and my boyfriend never went beyond holding hands. It made me think on what really are the parameters and qualifications for one to be termed as a homosexual relationship. Or maybe after all, if this kind of relationship requires kissing and having sex, then I we did not have any intimate relationship at all.
It all started as a mere friendship between us. He was a former suitor of my older sister so we are acquainted with each other. He was a 3rd class cadet of PXXXXXXXXX Academy  while I was a Junior student at the University of the Philippines when we started to have a special relationship. It is not really clear who initiated it. It came as a part of letting the friendship going deeper. We just fell comfortable with setting ourselves that way. I laugh to find myself kinikilig with the same quotes he used for my sister. He used to visit me monthly all the way from YYYYY to as he say, have a special time with me. This year’s month of August was an extra special one because aside from the fact that we haven’t seen each other since summer, it was my birth month. I was hoping to experience a more exciting event with him as he claimed to have a surprise for me. For this particular date, he did not come to fetch me at our dormitory just like what he used to do. Thinking that it was just part of the surprise, I readily agreed to join him at their house in Sta. Mesa alone.
After the harassing ride inside the LRT, I arrived at their house to find him alone and drinking an almost empty bottle of Grand Matador brandy. I am always irritated by his drinking but my longing at least lead me to just ignore it and reserve the spanking for next occasion. I was taken by the silence… I thought he was just playing around…he did not talk to me….just occasional glances. He just silently emptied the bottle and bowed his head as if in great contemplation. It was dead silence… too long for his silence.. I tried to break it and told stories of the past months…of how I missed him. of my plans to visit the arcade with him… he just sat there quietly. This state of silence alarmed me, I stopped talking and just waited for him to talk…I sensed some problem. The waiting was agonizing; I don’t know nor can guess what’s in store for us. Time seems to drag itself very slowly these moments.
Then he finally spoke. He told me of some girl he met last year at the Valentines ball. She is his friend’s sister. He told me she has been visiting him at their boarding house every week end; bringing him food and doing the households for them. I know that instant where the conversation is leading. The reality is gripping me tight that it weakens me so much. I am not myself anymore. All the courage and confidence was shed by this slowly emerging fact. It did not surprise me at all when he asked me to hug him. I am near the point of bursting into tears. When I did not do the move, he rose and hugged me tightly. Then he whispered, “please let go.” I was stunned by the words… I am speechless. After he let me go, he asked me out for a dinner. In response, I stood and hurriedly grabbed my things and left silently. It was a passive rejection but I felt the impact greater. He did not do any effort to stop me.
I went the same way I came, but not with the same enthusiasm anymore. It hurts to know that the plans you made together are just illusions to recall. It taught me the lesson of where a gay should place him self in the society.
Whenever I am on the LRT, whenever I see people sweet over a bottle of wine, whenever am surrounded by silence; I clearly remember the pain…it torments me each night. It is not just the issue on me being bitter of being dumped but rather the fact that form the start, I was never a choice. But I never blamed Grandma for maybe bringing out the courage from him to say what he wanted for after all, it was his choice. From then on, I closed my heart for him, for others and for Grandma…


I am sure the day before that I would stop working and pursue my studies but the fact that my parents are sending two of my siblings to college tears me apart. I am torn between my personal dreams and the knowledge of the burden that my mother would be bearing.

hala apedak umegyat sin uncertaintyn di decision ko ya ay pilmi.. Hala I am lost nu sino ngen ikak,, sunga nay ilislistak nan kanak en ikak nu sumang atak id baguio next week. Help me God... Guide me..

Huwebes, Abril 21, 2011

samemana santa

every year, i get to observe the behavior of some people because i serve at the church as  a member of the choir. rarely do I see the church so filled with people and prayers so loudly recited. Not that I believe that all these are plain showing off or worse just going with the fad, but i can not really feel the sincerity from most of the people. It is really difficult being a judgmental person because oftentimes you limit the capacity of the person to actually choose from a variety of options as you limit the possible courses of actions into two or three. With that said, the sorts of me would believe that either you are a hypocrite or that you are  a family person when you get dragged to school. Honestly, I do not like what I am seeing annually because I believe that their efforts are not within the purpose of the celebration. Going to church just for compliance sake might in a remote possibility be a good thing in the small possibility of getting eternally converted but at a larger possibility be a show of the desecration of the meaning of Lent. Instead of surrendering yourself to the Lord, you are there showing to everyone how better off you are from those who do not even mind going to church. Let our hearts be the temple of the Lord.

Martes, Abril 19, 2011

Meeting an Angel

At times when our lives get too rough, the Lord never fails to send us his angels to save us from ill fate.

Starting a few weeks ago, the atmosphere at our office constricts most of us that we are eventually breaking into two factions that hold grievances against the other. I am most concerned with our faction because we feel that we are at a disadvantage. I am not sure if there is even justice in store for us in the event that we cry foul. Yet personally, I know that I have to stand with the truth. Not that I am one of these people that I go with their grievances but I feel that it is the truth I am standing for.

Now days have passed and the rift between the factions are getting bigger and that the atmosphere is not anymore conducive for work. That was when the angel came. I am not sure what really qualified him as an angel except for the literal similarity with his name. He might not be completely angelic on his physical attributes but his compassion and MODESTY makes me think he is- and I hope he is.....

He did not magically ease the tension or that he mediated the resolution of the problem between the factions but he presented himself as a more open individual where criticisms have a higher rate of acceptance and consideration. As children, we pray for God to send his angels to listen to our petty requests and protect us- I guess he does that.. May the modest angel live up to his name and my expectations.... So help us God.. especially him...

How Chowking killed my Halohalo craving

I was at the Club Manila East with some of my work mates yesterday to have a dip in celebration of the hot summer when I saw the large halo-halo tumbler of Chowking that looks so inviting I immediately had the craving to have some. Much to my dismay, while I am on the queue to place my order at the counter, the crew at the counter answered sourly that they are not serving halo halo. By sourly I mean that she was not even looking at me and she used a dismissive tone. Now can you blame me if sasabihin ko sa kanya na "nagbukas pa kayo?" It seems to me that  with all their tarpaulins and their figures loitering around the resort, they are advertising the halo halo as their featured product. After two hours or so, I asked a friend of mine to inquire about the halo halo as my craving was not yet satisfied. He was told that the halo halo serving will only start at one pm. So for how many hours, I waited and hoped that they will serve halo halo. At around 1:30 pm, i eagerly went to the counter and inquired and was very much disappointed to be informed that they will not be serving halo halo for the day. Fortunately, that disappointment sated my craving! Now help me here, I can not find a degrading term to call how they operate at the CME branch of Chowking...

Huwebes, Abril 14, 2011

Of old Photographs....

Coinciding with the celebration of the Maundy Thursday would be the planned batch gathering initiated by some of our batch mates. I do appreciate the thought of it and of course getting me included on the invitation but still I do not feel a strong drive to go there and attend. For the first 3 years of attending the batch gathering, I come to realize that there indeed is no deep affection treasured towards them. Maybe because I was a detached person way back when I was a student that I do not feel very comfortable with them but even now that we are grown ups, I can not still feel the longing that would be normal for those you have significantly considered as part of your memories. No wonder, most of my memories when I was attending the secondary school are mostly about myself. Am i that selfish to cherish only my memories? or am i that detached that I really never came close to having memories with them....

Miyerkules, Abril 13, 2011

Happy pictures

Not that these pictures are happy on the literal sense but they never fail to make me smile whenever i look at them. Let me share it to you and maybe the humor I found in them would be found by you...

I will wondewr if sino kaya ang bibili sa ganitong tindahan ng damit kung nagtataray agad ang endorser.. ke bata bata e echosera to the max na.. kung maka nguso akala niya bagay niya.. wala lang nagulat lang ako.. sa sm north ito... at pag malapit ka.. makikita mo mong may bigote yung bata na mega pout...

Lunes, Abril 11, 2011

Silence No more

I do admit I am a bit more vocal than most people are but I can say that I am vocal in the right way. I know my limitations as to when to stop like you start hurting people that should not be hurt. I do say sorry! But that is for those cases that I know I am at fault and that I am just hurting the person without a cause. The truth bites and it really hurts if the truth is laid before your eyes. Some would say that why is there a need to say the truth if everybody knows it already?

I do not know, for me it is the best way to realize how wrong or how right you are on certain things. Sometimes, things are best said than assumed to be the common understanding. But life is not what I think and what I believe in solely..... I am vocal with what I think if I know that it is the truth. The truth is always right. It may not be good but it is right.

Biyernes, Abril 8, 2011

Assessing Serendra Restaurants

Kim Floyd Suvilla
HRIM 190
Prof. G. Salvador
  1. How can the restaurants at Bonifacio High Street, Serendra remain profitable?
I have personally observed the saturation of the restaurants at Bonifacio High Street. On my first visit at the place, I wondered how these restaurants thrive given the small volume of people seen moving around the place. Compared to other commercial areas and malls, there is definitely a smaller volume of people in Serendra. It was then that I observed what kind of restaurant and what kind of clientele they are serving are established at Serendra. It may be true that these restaurants cater to the upper side of the society that’s why they remain profitable but I have observed on my latest visit last week the real number of competitors around the place. Just like any business, the only way to make the restaurant profitable is to increase transaction count or increase the selling prices. Decreasing the costs would be difficult as the financial crisis and the increase in oil price dictates and increase on most commodities. I am suggesting some of the ways to execute the increase in transaction count, increase prioces, or doing both schemes.
  1. New Attraction in Serendra- make new sites for people to see in Serendra. Maybe the owners of the restaurants might do a collective investment on an amusement park to be installed inside the area. To still cater to the well off, the restaurants can create an amusement park that is offered at relatively higher prices than the cheaper counter parts. A zoo may also be erected or a water world to attract the children of well to do families. Recreating or repackaging Serendra this way would attract new customers and may eventually make Serendra a “family place.”

  1. New gimmicks- concerts, academic discussions, recitals or any other performances can be organized to attract people to Serendra. These events give reasons for people to visit the place and thus increasing possible customers.

  1. Cheaper subsidiaries- to tap the markets who can not afford the high prices of the restaurants or who merely go to Serendra just to stroll, the restaurant owners can set up a food court where every restaurant can set up a cheaper subsidiary to cater to the general public. In this manner, transaction count is increased while protecting the brand.
  2. Promotions- Given that new sites like a zoo or a water world or an amusement park be constructed within Serendra, the restaurants can package their restaurant with it. The parks or the zoo may be added to their loyalty awards where people who frequently dine can avail of free admission. The frequency in eating may also be a way to be a member of the amusement park or the club which would entitle an individual of discounts. Partnership with other non-food stalls to do a promo which would benefit both establishments like a 20% discount on Abe food if you buy at Penshoppe- 3,000 single receipt. Sales may also be organized.

  1. Increase prices- with the established new sites, these may be an added value to the place. The restaurants can make it as an added amenity and thus increase the prices of their food. Adding variety to the food they serve may also add up to the value.

  1. More accessibility- Greater accessibility to the masses and to the outside world. Since the place is designed to be of class, this can be preserved by setting up a section for the classes at the vacant lots near Boni High Street. It msut then be taken into account to limit the number of food stalls on the new pang masa establishment as to entice the masa to the middle class people to still eat at Serendra. More routes should also be made to make the place more accessible to people with no car.

Why I hate groupworks

Have you ever experienced being left out in a class. If you never know how is it being left out, then let me share it to you. You are left out if when the teacher instructs the class to break into groups of three of groups of four, you would be one of the last persons to find a group and will just resort to waiting for those who are the chaffs in the group making activity. You will be the one who ends up to work with people who you barely know. For me, this is the most hated part of every subject I took.  Maybe I can blame this experiences to my stubborn need to work alone on most of my jobs. Up to today, I am suffering from extreme competitiveness that is always driving me to exceed what is expected. I actually end up a hostile workmate wherever I work. Yet I can never blame my class mates for letting me turn into something like this. Actually I do thank them for they are my friends and I will always cherish what we have shared together. I can not blame them on the premise that they merely prefer their friends whom they have a shared more time and whom they have a confidence on the quality of work they yield. Maybe they have only feared gambling their chances of ending up with a lazy group mate. I am grateful that at the end of each semester, I can confidently say that I have made through it with sheer determination and not relying on favors from my friends.

Worth of people

Sometimes, the salary is not the greatest consideration to stay on the job for there is the self fulfillment and the warm attitude of the people around you that might encourage you to stay. However, there are some jobs that are disappointingly lacking those motivating factors coupled with the absence of low salary. Nagging officemates, bossy executives and the likes who are at the same time not what they are bragging about. It is just so frustrating that you are in the midst of a mediocre environment and can do nothing to outgrow them in the hopes that you might be able to influence their growth. But such is the situation for self-important individuals who are only thinking of themselves and are setting aside the welfare of other people. 

I strongly believe that part of the development of every organization is an effective human resources department where it can rely on screening good employees , maintaining their boosted morale, maintaining discipline and seeing to it that their concerns are properly addressed. What would happen to an institution if it lack such department to maintain the morale of the people? I guess I know the answer... Every now and then, it would not be a wonder if the employees are threatening to leave or if the employees are always murmuring at their back of their grievances that are easily extinguished by a leadership that is not actually groomed to lead.



  1. Myths about Communication

  1. We communicate only when we want to communicate.
This is not true. We communicate all day, every day, often without realizing it. For example, suppose you are listening to a report in a staff meeting. You are tired because you were up late last night. Without realizing it, you yawn several times, even though you are interested in the report. The other people in the meeting do not know you are tired, so they conclude that your yawning is a signal that you are bored. Inadvertently, you sent an incorrect message to the others in the meeting.

  1. Words mean the same to both the speaker and the listener.
Words hold different meanings for different people, based on their various experiences, perceptions, and biases. For example, when you tell an employee that her work is “above average,” you may mean that she is doing extremely well and you believe that she has great potential. However, your employee may have always perceived herself as a hard worker and a high achiever, and to her “average” means “merely acceptable,” so your “above average” comment means to her that you believe she is just above “merely acceptable.” As a result, your well-intentioned comment may actually deflate the employee, and her morale and performance may suffer.

  1. We communicate chiefly with words. In reality, most communication is nonverbal.
We may say one thing but reveal another through our facial expressions, tone of voice, gestures, eye contact, or how we sit or walk. For example, another manager may tell you that her new assignment is going well, but as she does so she frowns, looks tired and worried, and jiggles her pen nervously. As you observe her, you believe what her facial expression and mannerisms are telling you more than her words. This is because it is harder to lie with our faces and bodies than with our words.

  1. Nonverbal communication is silent communication.
Some people believe that all nonverbal communication can be seen but not heard. This is not true, because we can hear laughter, weeping, or the tone of voice in which something is said. If you hear co-workers whistling as they go about their jobs, you naturally assume that they are having good days.

  1. Communication is a one-way street between an active speaker and a passive listener.
This myth assumes that all speakers talk at listeners rather than with them. In reality, communication is better when both parties participate actively. Participation is heightened when a listener provides feedback to a speaker through verbal and nonverbal communication. Often, shaking your head or furrowing your brow is a stronger indication that you do not understand something than what you actually say in response.

  1. The message we communicate is the message that the listener receives.
Managers often assume that others receive their messages exactly as they intended them. Suppose that your boss gives you an assignment on Monday and states that it is due “soon.” You look at your schedule and decide that you can work on it Thursday and get it to your boss first thing Friday morning. On Tuesday your boss asks you for the completed assignment. In this case, “soon” meant “tomorrow” to your boss, while it meant “sometime this week” to you.

  1. There is no such thing as too much information.
Both too little and too much information can be bad. Few employees need to know every little detail about an assignment, and a manager can easily overload an employee with needless information. In many cases, even if we had all of the information available to us, we would not have the time to hear it, read it, or listen to it all. Since information overload is common in organizations, it is important for managers to concentrate on the quality of their communications as much as the quantity of them.

  1. The Communication Process
Sender Receiver

Message Transmission








The Sender-Receiver Model

The sender-receiver model show how communication between two people works. When two people communicate, a sender must initiate a thought or feeling, encode it into words, and then transmit it to the other person. The receiver must decode the message, assign thoughts and feelings to a response, encode a response, and send a message back. Communications which involve three or more people become increasingly more complex.

Poor communication can have unfortunate consequences. Miscommunication in a hospitality business can also result in disaster.

  1. Communication within an Organization
Managers must effectively communicate upward to their boss, downward to their staff, and laterally (or across) with fellow managers. Managers and employees can be seen as a network of linking pins. Line employees are linked to their managers through supervisors, while managers serve as linking pins for supervisors and department heads; department heads, in turn, are linked to division heads, and so on. These links are strengthened through good communication or weakened if communication is poor.

  1. Upward Communication
Upward communication involves messages that are sent from subordinates to superiors. Subordinates send messages providing answers to inquiries, reporting on activities, tasks, and projects, communicating understanding about practices and policies, or revealing job-related problems.

  1. Downward Communication
Downward communication involves messages that travel from superiors to subordinates. Superiors can send job instructions, information on procedures and practices, requests for tasks, feedback on job already in progress, or information on organizational goals and objectives.

Several problems occur with downward communication. Distortion or filtering of messages may occur as they travel down the hierarchy to employees. Downward communication is often unclear and vague because hurriedly prepared. Superiors make decisions then remember to send information about those decisions to the employees concerned. The quantity of information sent downward is often an issue.

Too much information can overload employees can cause information processing problems, stress, anxiety, and poor productivity. Too little information can make employees feel nervous, threatened, or resentful. The critical element in downward communication becomes the ability to send the right messages to the right people, with the appropriate content, at the right time.

  1. Lateral Communication
Lateral communication involves messages that are exchanged among individuals at the same hierarchical level in an organization. Also called horizontal communication, they serve a number of functions including problem solving, information sharing, task coordination, and conflict resolution.

  1. Barriers to Effective Communication
Many barriers can interfere with a manager’s ability to communicate. Barriers to effective interpersonal communication include:
  1. Misinterpretation
For example, a manager who believed that an employee who enthusiastically agreed to work late was greedy for overtime pay instead of simply being willing to help out could seriously misjudge the spirit and intent of the employee.

  1. Evaluation of sender
Managers sometimes have unrealistically positive or negative impressions of others. When managers see everything someone does as positive – a phenomenon called the halo effect – they often interpret that person’s messages in a positive way no matter what the messages are. The opposite is true when managers hold a negative opinion of a sender – the devil’s horns effect. Suppose an employee tells his manager that he made a minor error while running the cash register earlier in the evening. A manager who sees the employee with a halo will probably dismiss the mistakes as no big deal. If the manager sees the employee with devil’s horns, she might view this confession as proof that the employee constantly makes mistakes.

  1. Projection
This can occur when one person assumes that the other holds the same intentions. An ambitious manager might assume that all other managers are ambitious, too. Such a manager might hear all messages from other managers as evidence of ambitious actions.

  1. Stereotyping
Suppose you are a server at an upscale hotel restaurant and all of your friends are either servers or bartenders. You shun dishwashers and buspersons because you believe they represent a lower class of people. In this case, you are missing the opportunity to communicate with others simply because you hold a stereotypical bias against them.

  1. Arrogance and superiority
Constantly interrupting others, refusing to talk to “inferiors,” and dominating conversations are examples.

  1. Defensiveness
Suppose a manger who is defensive is questioned about his report on room sales to conventioneers. While the questioner may simply have wanted more information, the manager interpreted the question as a challenge to his report.

  1. Inarticulateness
Not all people express themselves clearly at all times. An inability to say what you mean inhibits communication. One of the best ways to avoid this problem is to follow the KISS rule: keep it short and simple.

  1. Hidden agendas
For example, a front office manager may believe that gaining more power and prestige for her department will lead to promotions or pay raises. Therefore, many of her actions are devoted to ensuring that the front office is seen in a positive light. As a result, she may not hear correctly what others are saying about the department or may send messages about the department that others distrust.

  1. Status
Some employees are so eager to do a good job that they may not listen to the entire message the manager is sending – they hear the first part and immediately start thinking of how they are going to perform that part of the task and miss the rest of the message.

  1. Environment
Noisy, hot, cold, or otherwise distracting environments make it difficult to communicate.

  1. Emotions
For example, a manager schedules a performance evaluation meeting with an employee in which he suggests that the employee’s job performance must improve. While he may do this calmly and expect that the employee will receive the message calmly, this might not be the case. The employee might become angry, which in turn might make him angry. What started out as a positive communication experience could deteriorate rapidly.

  1. Differences in backgrounds
Differences in education, age, experience, knowledge, and other background variables may impede communication. An employee with minimal education may not fully understand a message sent by a manager with more education, for example.

  1. Poor timing
Suppose the manager calls Sharon, one of the best housekeepers, in for a meeting about how to help new housekeepers clean rooms effectively. The manager wants to hear Sharon’s ideas. However, Sharon appears distracted and unwilling to help. Her reluctance may not be because she is unwilling. Instead, Sharon’s reaction may be because she is preoccupied with a family problem or some other issue.

  1. Tips on Developing Listening Skills

  1. Be motivated
Listeners unwilling to hear and understand cannot be communicated with. Try to hear and understand what is being said.

  1. Make eye contact
Research shows that while people listen with their ears, they show they are listening with their eyes. Making eye contact also helps you focus your attention.

  1. Show interest
Nonverbal signals such as head-nodding and attentive facial expressions show that you are interested. Avoid distracting actions such as shuffling papers, looking at your watch, and so on which show a lack of interest.

  1. Take in the whole picture
Interpret feelings and emotions, not just what is being said. Look for nonverbal clues.

  1. Ask questions
Asking questions shows interest and allows you to clarify the message.

  1. Don’t interrupt
Interrupting shows disrespect and arrogance.

  1. Encourage suggestions
Asking people to offer advice shows that you value their opinions.

  1. Self-disclosure
Telling the speaker how you feel about what he or she has said provides feedback that helps the communication process.

Facilities Management- Water Systems

HRIM 138 1st semester 2009-2010
College of Home Economics
University of the Philippines Diliman

Roxanne Kay Sandulan
Daren Colambo
Kim Suvilla

In hospitality and food service establishments, there are three primary sources of energy, namely: fuel, electric power, and water. This report will discuss in detail on Water-Systems Management.

Hospitality and Foodservice industry relies on a safe, potable water supply and sanitary drainage network. When we say potable, it means safe for human consumption. This is necessary to meet the needs of the guests and as well as to perform all the other services that the industry is expected to provide. As we go on with the discussion, we will learn about the systems in management of water in a hospitality building. This refers to the Distribution and Drainage networks. To clearly define the function of these two: Distribution network distributes potable water to areas of use and need within the building while Drainage network collects unwanted, or waste water and delivers it to the processing center, where it can be treated, thus preparing it for recycling.

Sources of Water
Hospitality and foodservice industry can obtain water from different ways. The most common source is a water utility. A water main is usually buried underground just off the property line. The establishment first secures a permit to run a building water-main pipe across the property to the public utility water main. Water that comes from the utility has usually been treated to meet certain local standards. However, it might still be necessary for the establishment to make additional water treatments for it to become suitable to be used on the equipments and services.
Water may also be sourced out from rivers or from an independent reservoir. It may also be pumped from well, which is quite common. A permit is also needed in order to get from these sources since rules and regulations regarding man-made open-water reservoirs are usually strict.

Water Hardness and Softening
One water condition varies and causes possible problems in the hospitality and foodservice industry is water hardness. It is caused by Calcium and Magnesium salts. These are called hard salts and they are normally present in potable water. There are two factors that occur with hard water that cause problems to hospitality and foodservice establishments: (1)When hard water is heated, salts precipitate and causes a lime build up within pipes and around plumbing fixtures or deposits on items being washed. (2) When water containing hard salts is mixed with natural soap and synthetic cleansers, the salts combine with cleanser chemicals and precipitate onto and within the products being washed, resulting to a mixture called soap curd. Soap curd is a sticky substance that is difficult to remove from washed products. With these factors, equipments and facilities of the establishments may be affected. Hard salts are harmful to hot-water heaters, boilers, and hear exchangers. They may result to lower efficiency of the units. Hence, water needs to be softened to remove the hard salts.
Water Softening is the process of treating water with chemicals that combine with hard-water salts to form chemical buffers and hence, salts will not precipitate. The most common method is by using tanks that are filled with man-made chemical resin called zeolite. Zeolite has an affinity for hard-water salts and it collects them in the surface. Hard salts are then replaced with a soft salt, such as Sodium. Sodium is free rinsing and it does not cause any problem. However, zeolite resin eventually becomes saturated with hard salts. Regeneration then needs to be done. It is the process by which zeolite is oversaturated with a soft-salt water mixture, called brine. With this, hard salts are then replaced with soft salts. The common table salt is used in regeneration. Not only is it readily available but is also cheap.

Water Pumps
If water is not available from a public utility, it is generally obtained by pumping from a well. The pumping process serves the purpose of supplying water and overcoming the friction or piping resistance of the water supply and distribution network. Water overcomes the resistance of the piping network by converting mechanical energy to water pressure as water flows through the pump. It is also through the help of pumps that water gets to upper levels of buildings. Normal atmospheric air pressure is about 14.7 pounds per square inch or psi (100 kilopascals). A pump reduces air pressure from its supply pipe thus produces a vacuum that allows atmospheric air pressure to lift water. As water is propelled through the pump, energy is transmitted to the water. Hence increasing its pressure and making it rise in the pipes. This process is illustrated at the next page.

Types of Pumps
Jet Pump- This is used to pump water from well. It has high operating-energy requirement and its pumping efficiency is 14 to 15 percent. It can also be used to move some semisolids from one level to the next.
Centrifugal Pump- This has a rotating wheel mounted in an enclosure. Liquid flows into the wheel center and is forced to the outside of the enclosure by centrifugal force. Its efficiency reaches 80 percent in some cases. Centrifugal pumps can be connected in series network, in which one pump feeds a second, the second feeds the third, and so on. Each pump increases the pressure of the liquid being moved. If the centrifugal series pumps are located in a well and the motor is positioned on ground level, it is called a turbine pump. If a motor is also positioned in the well with the multistage impellers, it is called a submersible pump. These pumps are very effective in pumping large quantities of water from a well and are capable of exerting large amounts of pressure on water since each impeller gives a set amount of pressure.
Reciprocating Pump- This provides a large lift potential. It can be used in deep wells and its efficiency is relatively high, reaching 90 percent in some cases. It has a piston which moves back and forth in a cylinder, and it can be driven by an electric motor. It is used only to move liquids and gases, such as water and refrigerants.
Rotary and Gear Pumps- A gear pump is consists of a series of rotating gears and it provides accurate amounts of fluids and semisolids. A rotary pump has similar operation with a single-tooth gear pump. These two have very low efficiency level and are not normally used to pump water. Their major use in the hospitality industry is with refrigeration systems, or rotary compressors.
Water and Sewage Charges
Sewage charges depend on water consumption. A hospitality and foodservice manager should be aware of the billing techniques that affect the establishment. Generally, as water consumption increases, cost of water increase, and sewage processing charges are affected as well. Sewage charges depend on water consumption.
There are three techniques in sewage billing: (1) Doubling the water bill- one half of the bill is for water and the other half is for sewage processing charge. (2) Increasing the basic bill by 75 percent- this allows 25 percent of water consumption for ground irrigation, swimming pools, and direct consumption that is assumed not returned to sewage lines for processing. (3) Sewage charge is estimated as 80 percent of the water consumption and a flat distribution-and-processing fee is charged per 1000 gallons of sewage.
Water-Distribution Systems
There are several water-distribution systems used in the hospitality and foodservice industry, namely Upfeed, Downfeed, and Combination Systems.
Upfeed System is a common system used when the pubic utility’s water pressure is enough to force water throughout a building of six floors or less in height.
Downfeed Systems is when water is forced or pumped to a storage tank located above the highest fixture level. The water then flows by gravity from the storage tank t the fixtures when needed. Downfeed zones are used in very tall buildings (e.g. 18 floors in height).
Combination Systems use upfeed system for lower building levels and downfeed system for upper building levels. This system is the most efficient for multiple-floor buildings where water-main supply pressure is utilized to the fullest extent and additional pressure for the upper levels is provided by pumps and an upper water-storage tank.
This includes pipes, piping fittings, and valves.
Pipes are identified as; main service pipes, fixture branch pipes, and distribution (branch) pipes. Main service pipes supplies water to the building. Fixture branch pipes supply to single fixtures and distribution pipes supply to fixture branches. Frequently, plumbers and blueprints refer to riser pipes. They are vertical distribution pipes that extend above the height of the shower-head fixture branch (one or more building levels, or floors).
Common piping materials are copper and plastic. Other buildings use galvanized steel and brass but they are eventually replaced with copper or one of several grades of plastic pipe. Copper has many advantages over other materials: good corrosion resistance, high thermal conductivity, high burst strength, low coefficient of friction, and can be both rigid and flexible, and easily machined. It is available in three grades: N, L, and M. Grade M is recommended for water distribution pipes. On the other hand, plastic is also available in several grades, such as Acrylonitrile-budadine-styrene (ABS), Polybutlene (PB), Polyethylene (PE), Polypropylene (PB), Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC), and Chlorinated Polyvinyl Chloride (CPVC). PVC is recommended for cold-water pipes and CPVC is for hot-water pipes since it can hold liquid in hot temperature not exceeding 180°F.
Piping Fittings are also available in various types. They allow piping turns, piping connections, and the connection of pipes to fixtures, controls, and other devices. Fittings are either threaded or compression-type fittings, which include soldered connections for copper and solvent cement for plastic. Threaded fittings are generally recommended for high rise buildings since they are much stronger than compression fittings.
Valves control the flow of water. Valves are important and the right type of valve should be used to minimize energy losses and for proper fixture operation and guest satisfaction. There are several types, namely: Gate valves, Angle and Globe valves, Check valves, and Needle valves.
Gate valves are used as on-off valves. They are usually operated either in completely closed or opened positions. They have minimal resistance to water flow and are used as shut-off valves on water mains.
Angle and globe valves are used for variable water flow. They have high resistance to water flow when partially opened, restricting water flow. When completely opened, they have moderate resistance. They are used in lavatories, bathtubs, showers, and sinks.
Check valves allow water to flow only one way. They have minimal resistance and acts as shut-valves for reversed water flow.
Needle valves are key valves used to control the flow of natural LPG gases. They are generally found on gas kitchen equipment and provide very accurate controls.

Heating Water
Hotels and other related establishments normally require hot water in the food production and housekeeping areas, for recreational facilities such as swimming pools and spas, as well as for the guests’ needs. The temperature of the hot water depends on the area where it is needed.
Heating water can be costly due to inefficient equipment or not insulated storage tanks and piping. If ever the latter two were insulated, chances are their insulation is not thick enough to prevent heat from escaping. To reduce costs, the hot water storage tank and hot water piping should be insulated.
Storage Tank and Piping Insulations
There is a direct link between the insulation thickness and the cost of heating water. The thicker the insulation of the hot water storage tank and the lower the temperature, the lower the heat loss. This will help save energy, therefore reducing costs.
The same principle applies for the piping insulation. The only difference lies on the measurement of the pipe. The thinner the piping, the thicker the insulation; and the lower the water temperature, the lesser the tendency for heat to escape.
Hot Water Heaters
There are several types of water heaters used in the hospitality industry.
  1. Heater storage tank is the least efficient because of inadequate insulation around the unit and low recovery rate of the system. Heat recovery rate is the ability to heat water quickly. It is normally used as a dish-washing booster water heater to raise temperature from 140 to 180 F.
  2. Side-arm heater can provide a very large quantity of water in a short period of time. It is connected to a water storage tank and has moderate efficiency. If there is minimal hot water demand or if there is none, the heater supplies hot water to the storage tank for future use.
  3. Heat exchanger is the very efficient among the three heaters. It is capable of providing various water temperatures for the building. It s major disadvantage is that it is used with a building hot water or steam-heating system. During non-heating season, a boiler must also be operated to supply hot water or steam to the heat exchanger. That is why some properties also use aside-arm heater as a back-up during summer months so that the main boiler does not have to be operated.
Water Supply Maintenance
Leaking Valves and Piping
Dripping faucets increase housekeeping costs and can be irritating to some guests. Usually, the valve seat washer has to be replaced but the need to replace it depends on its use, its age, the water temperature and the chemicals in the water supply. Normally, seat washers have a shelf-life of 1-5 years.
On the other hand, the damage can also come from the steam washer although it is harder to detect. When you open the valve and then the water flows through the faucet and then leaks where the valve is attached to the sink or lavatory, the steam washer should be replaced. A good maintenance although costly, is every time the steam washer is replaced, you also replace the seat washer to ensure no problem.
Water leaks that develop at piping connections are difficult to control because the damage has to be visible or large water losses may occur. Connections should be designed so that there are visible inspection points for periodic checks.
Plumbing Vibration Noise
This can cause noise that is transmitted throughout the building. The only thing that can eliminate or solve this is through plumbing maintenance management. Hot water piping can also cause noise problem because when these are heated by hot water, they expand and the rapid piping expansion can generate noise. Reducing the hot water temperature and proper piping insulation will help solve this problem.
Piping Expansion Problems
Piping expansions can also cause pipes and connection points to separate. One solution is to use piping materials which have low coefficients for expansion (or pipes other than copper or plastic). Installing expansion devices, such as piping loops and expansion joints can also help solve this problem because these devices do not prevent materials from expanding, but they allow piping to expand at controlled points and eliminate undesirable expansion noises.
Plumbing Fixtures
The minimum number of plumbing fixtures to be installed and maintained depends on the standard set by the National Standard Plumbing Code. Normally, it depends on the number of potential users and on the population density of the property.
Plumbing fixtures can be grouped into various categories. Toilets and urinals belong to one group. These fixtures require large quantities of water and water-control valves must be carefully regulated to provide the absolute minimum water flow for an operation.
Lavatories, sinks, dish-washing equipments and swimming pools belong to another category wherein the occupants are allowed to use water for washing or for equipment operations.

What to find in a Water Bill?
  1. Registered Name and Billing Address- The name and address of the person/company to whom the water/sewer service connection is issued.
  2. Business Partner Number- A number that uniquely identifies a customer. One Business Partner may have more than one Contract Account Number.
  3. Contract Account Number- A number assigned to the water service connection
  4. Installation Information- Address where the water/sewer service is located
  5. Reference Number- This is the bill number
  6. Business Area- Manila Water Business Area covering the water/sewer service connection
  7. Meter Information- Indicates the Manufacturer's brand, size and serial number of the water meter, as well as the Meter Reading Route / Sequence Number.
  8. Due Date- Last day of payment of bill. Payments beyond due date are not reflected on the succeeding month's bill.
  9. Billing Period- The period of water consumption being billed.
  10. Class- Rate Code classification of the water/sewer service
  11. Type- Installation Type (e.g. Major, Government, Subdivision, etc.).
  12. Consumption- Water consumption during the billing period.
  13. Details of Charges- Shows the details of all the Charges Manila Water has to collect. The total amount due for the month is the sum of Current Charges, Other Charges and Previous Unpaid Amount.
  14. Consumption Graph- Represents the consumption for the current month and for the past eleven months.
  15. Validation Box- Space for machine validation for the payment center. Your water bill will serve as your Official Receipt when machine validated.
  16. Payment Center / Bank Copy- To be presented when paying your bill and to be detached by the receiving payment center.

Water Bill Details of Charges
Basic Charge- This pays the cost of operating, maintaining, improving and expanding the distribution network as well as other facilities which are responsible for bringing potable water to residential, commercial and industrial end-users in the East Zone.
FCDA- Foreign Currency Differential Adjustment is for unavoidable fluctuations in the Philippine Peso against other countries' currencies.
Environmental Charge- This is for the mitigation of environmental impacts in the course of water conveyance, treatment and distribution and wastewater operations.
Sewer Charge- This is charged only to customers who are connected to Manila Water sewer lines whose wastewater is directly treated at a sewer treatment plant.
Meter Service Charge- This is for the maintenance of the water meter. This charge depends on the size of water meter installed.
Value Added Tax- The government charges 12% VAT on the total of the charges mentioned above.
Other Charges- In special cases, there are miscellaneous charges such as connection fees, unscheduled septic tank dislodging fees, charges for private meter reading, etc.
Previous Unpaid Amount- Unpaid charges billed prior to the Billing Period. This should be settled immediately together with the Current Charges to avoid disconnection of water service connection.
Computing Water Bill Charges
  1. Current Charges before Tax- the sum of items 1 to 5
    1. Basic charges (from tariff schedule)

Business Group
First 10 cum
Next 10 cum
Next 20 cum
Next 20 cum

    1. Foreign Currency Differential Adjustment (FCDA) subject to peso depreciation
    2. Environmental Charge (EC)- 12 percent of items 1 and 2
    3. Sewer Charge (SC)- if connected to sewer line, 40 percent of items 1 and 2
    4. Meter Service Charge (MSC)- based on meter size (for 13mm or ½” water meter= 1.50 php)
  1. Total Current Charges- sum of items A and 6
  1. Add VAT- 12 percent of A
  1. Previous Unpaid Amount- amount of unpaid bills
  2. Total Amount Due- sum of items B and C