Mga Pahina

Huwebes, Abril 28, 2011

eksenang alam ni inay

Glenda: Oh I’m sorry. I thought you are sleeping, just came in to wake you up.
Juan Carlo: its ok mom.
G: Kevin came to fetch you for dinner a while go but you did not respond, anything wrong?
JC: Nothing mom.
G: Are you sick? Here let me feel if you are hot.
JC: Im OK. Just need to rest.
G: You’ve been sleeping the whole day, what have you been tired of lately? You have been like this for almost a week; skipping dinner, always staying here in your room, never talking to anyone even your girlfriend.
JC: Mom I’m OK. Don’t worry.
G: and Stella? Always on the phone but you are making alibis not to talk to her. You know shes been worried about you.
JC: Were ok.
G: Ok? How good is that OK?
JC: very good mom. Just so tired with basketball practice.
G: Did you have any fight with Alfred? I haven’t seen him here lately? Or are you kicked out of the varsity team?
JC:  Everything’s OK mom! I am still on the varsity. Alfred just have. ( pause) never mind.
G: Have what? Swine flu?
JC: No mom, just busy with ( long pause) someone else (softly).
G: now don’t be like that. You should be happy for your friend. Just like he is for you and Stella.
JC:  well. Uhhmm. Of course I’m  happy. Very happy.
G:  tell me honestly, I would understand. Is that jealousy I’m sensing from your voice? Uyy! Now I know it. You want his girl? How could you? Stella is so good.
JC: No mom. Maybe just leave me alone to sleep, I’m tired.
G: Son. Son, look at me JC. Are you crying? What’s the wrong?
JC: nothing mom ( pause)nothing !( sobbing)
G: Now I’ve been quiet for a long time regarding this. You’re crying for Alfred right? You have a relationship? 
G: Yah! Now I get it, the weekly sleepovers, phone call, and these pictures on your room. Oh my. Now I get it.  Now I know why Stella is always looking for you when you said you are out on a date.
JC: MOM! I’m tired.
G: Now tell me so I know what to do to help you! And Stella? Poor Stella. After this, her mother would not invite me to church anymore.
JC: Mom, Im not gay if that’s what you are trying to say. Im not breaking up with Stella.
G: You are gay!
JC: IM NOT!! ( sobbing)
G: You are! And stop fooling Stella. Stop using her. Well maybe you are confused. Stop this foolishness at once and I won’t tell your father about this. About what you and Alfred do every sleepover. Stop this.
JC: Mom please don’t put me into this.( pause) pleeeease!
G: Stop it. And be a man. Quit the varsity if that would stop you from seeing him. Now are we clear here?
JC: Mom I cant.
G: Oh you can, before your father knows about it
JC: Mom I’m tired.
 ( footsteps and a door closed)

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